As Catholics, we do not worship Mary. It is a common misconception. We do honor her because God honored Mary. He chose her to be the Mother of God. Because of Mary’s acceptance of God’s will, we look up to her as the most Blessed Mother of God, as well as the greatest Saint.
Love Her Son
To honor Mary, the greatest thing we can do is to love her son. Every time we read about Mary in the Gospels she directs us towards her son. Our Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins. He was born unto this earth to save us from our sins. This is a love we cannot fully comprehend.
In thanksgiving, we can tell Jesus we love Him. We can do this through prayer or by simply talking to Him. Go to Mass often. You can also spend time in the presence of Our Lord in Adoration.
Pray the Rosary
Do you know how to pray the rosary? It is one of the most powerful prayers we have as Catholics. Praying the rosary daily is meditating on the life of Christ. We get closer and closer to Him the more we spend time contemplating His mysteries.
The Holy Rosary is not a prayer about Mary, which is a common error. Rather, the rosary reflects on the major milestones in Jesus’ life – His birth, Baptism, His preaching, His death on the cross, and His Resurrection. We recite the words of the Hail Mary in meditation so that we can focus only on the life of Christ.
If you would like to start praying but are unsure how I have a free prayer card you can download here.
Follow Her example as a Mother
Mary is the best model for how to be a mother. She has traits such as humility, piety, and strength. Mary showed complete faith in God at the Annunciation when she said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38) This is Mary’s “fiat”.
By saying ‘Yes” to God’s Will, the Virgin Mary shows us how to live our lives for God. She trusted God and knew His plan for her would be right and good. She did not feel worthy of being chosen by God, but welcomed His plans for her and trusted in her son always.
Mary persevered through extreme difficulty, even through the death of her own child. But she was always there for Christ, and always brought Him quite literally to others – like in the Presentation in the Temple. She brings us to Him now, and we are invited into the same relationship that she has with Christ.
Study Marian Apparitions
Mother Mary still brings people to her son, and one of those ways is through Apparitions. She continues to come to meet with us, after her Assumption, and guide us to God.
There have been many apparitions of the Virgin Mary. Some of the most known are approved by the Vatican. Examples include: Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Knock, and Our Lady of Lourdes.
Studying apparitions, you will notice Mary meets most with the youth and with the poor. Mary cares much for the poor and often also asks for prayers for the conversion of sinners. Mary teaches us to pray, to convert others, and how to bring them to her son. She is a wonderful intercessor, both on behalf of her son and also on our behalf to Him.
How do you honor Mother Mary?
How do you honor Mary? Do you have ideas on other ways we can do so? Please let us know in the comments!